Monday, December 10, 2007

California Fires - The Fun Begins

The fun begins in California. Now that the fires are out, the TV crews have moved on to more news worthy events and the national eye is focused somewhere else, San Diegans are experiencing the first real impact of the October 2007 fires: insurance adjusters are beginning to say no! Well not exactly no, but some rendition of no. They want to bring in their own people to do the repairs their way. And of course their way is cheaper… go figure. So what’s the poor homeowner to do?

First things first, stop being victimized. Determine the value of your loss using repair persons of your choice and not those of the insurance company’s choice. If the two are the same that’s fine, but if not find out what it will cost to repair your home the right way not the cheapest way. You’ll arrive at a figure that is going to be different from that of the insurance company.

Next, don’t listen to all the hype about public adjusters, insurance company contractors, and plaintiff attorneys put out by those who have a vested interest in influencing your decision. Rather analyze your situation with the cold eye of reason. Decide for yourself if you need assistance or whether you are up to negotiating on your own behalf, then act based on your decision. If you elect to engage the services of an expert, seek out those who are licensed and experienced as opposed to those you solicit your business. They may be the same, but then again they may not be.

If you are doing this yourself, tell the insurance company what you are expecting in dollar terms. They will disagree with your position and insist they prove to you where you are wrong. Remember an opinion does not constitute proof. Be prepared to right for what you deserve and remember: to the insurance company your claim is just another loss. They are not involved emotionally or otherwise, except where profit is concerned.

Got questions? Let me know, I’ll see if I can answer them.

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