Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Difference of Opinion

The Miami Herald reported today that Florida is suiting Poe Financial to recover more than $100 million. The Insurance Journal yesterday reported the same story. What’s interesting is the difference between those two stories. The title of The Herald article: Suit alleges huge fraud in Poe Financial case. The Journal title: Officials File Civil Lawsuit against 3 Former Florida Insurance Companies. With the exception of a quote from the CFO you'd never know you were reading two articles about the same story. The word fraud never appeared in the entire Journal article. In fact to read this version, you’d never know that the suit alleged that an “elaborate scheme of potential mismanagement and fraud among the officers and directors of the Poe Financial Group insurance companies that drained millions of dollars that could have been used to pay claims after the insurers failed.”

You'd never know but for The Herald that William S. Poe, Sr. collected nearly $20 million between 2004 and 2005. That two of Poe’s sons who were company executives collected $11.9 million. The family investment company was paid close to $10 million and the family foundation received nearly $1 million.

The contrast between these two reports is startling: one for its reservation the other for its point blank recitation of the allegations. Now compare that response to an issue the insurance company adamantly dislikes and watch the shrill machine come to life. Don’t believe me? Check out Anderson Cooper 360 on you tube and listen to the message put out by insurance companies in Washington State. Go to

The educated consumer is the insurance company’s worst nightmare.

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