Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One Thing In Common

Every one of us has one thing in common: we all leave our homes expecting to find them in the same or similar condition when we return….ok maybe if you have kids I might be mistaken. The point here is that no one expects to have a loss and fewer still are actually prepared for loss. Why am I raising this subject?

Well it seems like the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Every time I turn on the weather channel there is a new line of severe thunderstorms hitting some city in the mid-west, what is now Nadine in the Atlantic won’t go away, rivers seem to be overflowing at an ever increasing rate: maybe Dr. Hanson and Al Gore are onto something.

But let’s face it, disaster is going to happen. Maybe not to you but it is going to happen. And the chances are they are not going to be prepared. You should be, because you never know it could be your brother Bob that is hit and you’ll need to come to the rescue. So what’s the one action that you could take to begin to prepare for loss? Save some money. In a disaster cash is king: actually it’s king all the time but particularly in a disaster. Not I know you probably don’t have thousands or even hundreds of dollars you can squirrel away, neither do I. Most of us however can save $10 or $20 a month. Here’s how I do it. I signed up with a program with my back where every time I use my debit card they take $1 from my checking account and move it to my savings account. Believe me it adds up. More to the point, you don’t miss it. They also have the option of automatically transferring as little as $5 per month from your checking into your savings. It’s a great way to prepare financially. It’s not going to save the day if disaster strikes tomorrow, but disaster planning is after all taking steps that prepare you for disaster, even if those steps are baby steps. So start walking and enjoy the stroll.



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