Monday, October 1, 2012


I spent a fabulous weekend surrounded by women at the 5th annual Women’s Prosperity Network Un-Conference. I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned, the speakers were excellent, the information outstanding and I got a few tidbits that I believe will really enable my business to move forward.  If you want to learn more  check out WPNGlobal. Whether you’re a man or woman reading this, if you need a business support network, this is the group for you.

Now you might be asking what does WPNGlobal and the Un-Conference have to do with claims? Well, nothing and actually everything. A successful claim begins with knowledge. Just as BenefitBill provides you knowledge about the claims process, WPNGlobal brought together experts in partnering, marketing (traditional, web and social motivations speakers and the like. Each brought a wealth of knowledge to the table. Sometimes knowledge is not enough. BenefitBill advocates assembling a team of players to help you in your recovery: from engineers to contractors, to public adjuster and attorneys. WPNGlobal assembled a team of experts for the weekend to assist every attendee in need. 

When you experience a loss, having knowledge, a willingness to partner up with professionals, finding and researching your potential team members is not enough. The real key is that you have to be willing to take action. You have to be willing to pursue your recovery, team in tow.

So you see making your insurance claim and the Un-Conference have a lot in common: different tools, but the same framework: Knowledge and Partnering to achieve the desired outcome.

Oh, one last thing. I met a lot of really terrific people this weekend too!


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